장비의 구성(Configurations of Goods)
Main equipment
1. Microscopy Body 1 set
2. Transmitted light source 1 set
3. Scanning Stage 1 set
4. Optical equipment 1 set
5. Reflected light Illumination 1 set
6. Image Data system 1 set
7. Perfusion Chamber unit 1 set
Auxiliary equipment
1) anti-vibration table 1 set
2) Darking device 1 set
3) Chair for laboratory 1 ea
Ⅲ. 성능 및 규격(Performance and Specificpation)
1. Microscopy Body
1) Stand
o motorized focus drive (min. step width 25 nm)
o prepared for motorized beam path deflection
o with optional support of laser based applications
o TFT touchscreen
o 1x tube lens to fit with optional available
o 3-position Magnification changer turret mot.
o circular operation key unit right and left
o keys for switching TL/RL illumination
o light- and contrast manager
o interfaces 4x CAN, RS 232, USB and TCP/IP or more
o trigger socket (In/Out) for shutter
o connecting socket for external shutter avaliable
o Waterproof into microscope
- Prevents all kinds of solutions or fluids permeating into objective lens and microscope components
- Provided with each objective lens
o external power supply 12V DC 100W, stabilized, 100V-240VAC / 50-60Hz
o USB cable and country-specific line cable
2) Trinocular Phototube
o 45˚ binocular observation tubes with field of view 23mm or more
o When a microscope camera is used, image selection and focusing is performed through the binocular tube during microscopy.
o The interpupillary distance (55-75mm or more) is adjusted with a folding bridge without changing the plane of focus.
2. Transmitted Source
o Carrier for transmitted-light illumination tiltable, for the mounting of condensers. Equiped with luminous-field diaphragm, 3-position filter changer and attachment possibility for micromanipulators.
o Contast techniques ; Bright field, Dark field, Phase contrst, Diffential Interference Contrast(DIC), PlaDIC(for plastic well), Varel, Hoffman contrast avaliable or more
o Illuminator Halogen lamp
- 12V 100W or more
- included white balance filter
- included quartz collector
3. Scanning Stage
o stepper motor with 2 mm spindle pitch
o connection to stepper controller
o travel range 130 mm x 100 mm
o stage surface 325 mm x 144 mm
o max speed 50 mm/s
o resolution: 0.1 µm
o reproducibility: +/- 1 µm
o absolute accuracy: +/- 5 µm
o travel range adjustable
o fixed motor cable with exit on stage back side; left
o design for Z-stack, Mosaix & Autofocus in high magnification
o compatible with objectives autocorr
o Mounting frames ; for well plate and slide glass
4. Optical equipment
1) Eyepiece
o Wide field of view 23 with the 44˚viewing angle or more is contrast for all magnification and all contrast-enhancing techniques.
o Each eyepiece is provided with a removable ring of soft rubber for protection of eyeglasses.
o The user wearing eyeglasses can also view up to the edge of the field.
2) Condenser system
o Condenser with NA 0.55 motorized or more
o Motorized aperture diaphragm, a=26mm or more
o The condenser is focused from either side with the adjustment knob
o Universal LD condenser for bright field, phase contrast, DIC
3) Objective
o Long distance objectives have in the medium magnification range long working distances(distance between front lens and cover glass surface)
o They are corrected for a greater cover glass thickness, which on inverted microscopes corresponds to the thickness of culture dish or tube bottoms.
o All objectives are corrected for infinite image distance.
o The intermediate image is produced with the tube lens.
o The image is fully corrected for all aberrations to the edge of the field of view.
o Objective 10x/0.30 or more
o Objective 20x/0.5 or more
o Objective 25x/0.8 Imm, correction ring or more
o Objective 40x/0.75 or more
o Objective LD 20x/0.40 Ph2 corr or more
o Objective LD 40x/0.60 Ph2 corr or more
5. Reflected light illuminator
1) Beam path
o Corrected apochromatically, it offers consistently good contrasting and homogeneous illumination right into the periphery at almost any excitation wave length redesigned,
o The entire illuminating optics, from the light source the objective, have been with the result that the excitation light is now directed into the specimen with the greatest possible efficiency.
o transmission from 340 to 850nm(UV~IR) 80% for more
2) Light source for Calcium
o 340nm and 380nm LED illuminator for Fura-2 ratiometric calcium
o supports white light
o manual & remote control ; Trigger speed 20us or less
o connective ; Remote USB for imaging software
o usable wavelength ; GFP, Cy3, mCherry, cy5, Fura2 or more
o Fiiter set ; DAPI, FITC, cy3, Fura 2 or more
6. Image Data system
1) Image Capture Camera
o Application ; super resolution, confocal & light sheet microscopy, Calcium ratio measure, single moecule fluorescence
o High quantum efficiency ; Maximizes ability to detect weak signals, enables short times for high frame rates
o Sensor ; Back illuminated CMOS
o Active array size ; 1200x1200 pixels(1.44 megapixel) or more
o Pixel area ; 11x11um(121um2) or more
o sensor area ; 13.2 x 13.2mm or more
o Peak QE% ; 95% or more
o Full-Well capacity ; 80,000e-(Combined gain), 10,000e-(High gain) or more
o Dynamic range ; 50,000 : 1(Combined gain) more
o Bit depth ; 16bit(Combined gain), 12bit(High gain)
o Redout mode ; Rolling shutter, effective global shutter
o Binning ; 2x2(on FPGA) or more
o Linearity ; 99.5% more
o Cooling ; air cooled sensor temperature –20℃ at 25℃ ambient or lower
- Dark curret ; 0.55e-/pixel/second or less
o Interface ; PCIe, USB3.0 more
o Max speed ; 736frames/s(1200x128, 12bit) more
2) Image Analysis Program
o Live and Capture
o Length, Area and etc
o Scale bar Insert, Data formats Excel
o Movie capture
o Z stack : Definition of the Z-stack via 'start/stop and center, 25nm step size or more
o Time lapse ; Definition of intervals, total duration or number of cycles. Control via time, trigger or manually; synchronisation with bleach events
o Autofocus : Optimal focus position in the sample.
definition of an autofocus region in the camera image
o Tiles and position ; Module for automatic scanning of predefined sample areas, plus acquisition of images according to a position list. Supports focus correction maps, stitching and shading correction. Compatible with software autofocus
o the measurement of fast ion fluctuations e.g. intracellular calcium in living cells and tissues in a fully interactive and flexible manner with advanced charting and analysis functions.
- Physiology is fully integrated into the existing software acquisition environment and can thus be used in combination with any of the supported acquisition modalities triggered acquisition
- Supports imaging with dual wavelength dye such as Fura-2
- Supports the use of single wavelength dye such as Fluo-4
- Allows online ratio calculation and ratio image display with online analysis
- The placement of Regions of interest(ROI) for a new experiment is aided by a dedicated set-up area
- ROI grey values can be displayed as mean values
- One ROI can be selected as a background region. Alternatively, background correction can be performed using a constant integer value
- Flexible charting and image display with full control of settings. datatable with data export via excel file
- Online change of acquisition speed using user definable switches
- Online annotation of experiment conditions, pausing and refocusing via live image
- Online execution of predefined hardware settings as appropriate
- Freely configurable TTL Triggers on available digital outputs as rising/falling edges or user defined pulses
o Experiments designers ; Module for configuration of inhomogeneous acquisition experiments : time series, multitime series, Z-stacks, tiles/multiposition images and channels in any order.
o The Software Control Microscope, stage, all light source & Camera, Synchronize
3) Image Data Processor
o CPU---i7, RAM - 16GB, Hard disk - 1T, Monitor - 24inch or better
o Operating System : window 10 64bit or better
7. Perfusion Chamber eqiupment
1) multi channel perfusion unit
o 8 valves, 8x60ml reservoirs, Controller, 8 luer valves, magnetic stand, spill sensor,
software or more
2) Vaccum pump ; suction for liquid
o included Vacuum gauge, Pressure control valve, Suction bottle or more
3) Perfusion Chamber ; Open type and Magnetic
o main body, silcon gasket, bottom plate
o For fast medium change, the opening is elliptical
o Usable 20(22)mm x 40mm or 18 x 18mm rectangular coverslip
o Cover slip ; Thikness 0.17mm(H 1.5 grade) type
o Temperature & CO2 control ; compatible with a wide range of products
5) FRET filter set ; Filters for Fluorescence Resonance Energy transfer(Software analysis included)
6) Constant Temperature unit ; constant temperature maintenance for all days
용도(End-user's Use and Feature)
Cacium은 신체의 전해질 중 하나로, 혈액과 같은 체액에서 용해될 때 전하를 운반하는 무기질이지만, 신체의 칼슘 대부분은 하전되지 않은 특징을 가지고 있지만, 뼈 및 치아 형성
근수축, 많은 효소의 정상 기능, 혈액 응고, 정상 심장 박동를 위해 신체는 세포 및 혈액내 칼슘 양을 정확하게 조절하며 신체는 필요에 따라 뼈에서 혈액으로 칼슘을 이동시켜 혈중 칼슘 농도를 일정하게 유지합니다.
세포막 이온통로를 통한 칼슘유입은 대부분의 세포에서 중요한 신호전달 역할을 담당하고 있다. 증가된 세포내 칼슘은 세포막의 칼슘펌프 및 운반체에 의해 세포외로 되돌려지거나, 일부는 세포내 형질내세망(ER)과 같은 저장소로 능동적 이동함으로써 안정상태로 회복된다. 한편, 칼슘이 유입되는 경로마다 기능적으로 중요한 세포의 종류에 차이가 있다.
탈분극에 의해 열리는‘Voltage-Operated Ca2+ Entry’(VOCE)는 신경, 근육, 분비세포와 같은 흥분성(excitable) 조직에서 중요한 역할을 담당한다. 반면 세포내 저장소의 칼슘농도 고갈에 의해 활성화되는‘Store-Operated Ca2+Entry’(SOCE)는 비흥분성(inexcitable) 조직에서 보다 중
요하다고 알려져 있다
이를 세포 내의 변화를 관찰하기 위해서는 현미경과 고감도로 고속으로 촬영하는 카메라와 이를 위한 특별한 장치가 필요하다.
표시되지 않은 시료전처리, 재료비 및 분석결과의 특별한 해석을 의뢰할 경우에 별도로 요금을 산정함
예약 취소 수수료 안내
- 분석 1일전 취소 : 없음
- 당일취소 : 기기이용 수가의 50%
- 분석 진행중 취소 : 취소불가
구분 | 항목 | 단위 | 교외 | 교내 | 타대학 | 기타 | 비고 |
분석의뢰 |
일반 Image측정 | 시간 | 25,000 | 25,000 |
*추가 재료 필요 시 담당자 협의 |
실시간 Image측정 | 시간 | 45,000 | 30,000 |